‘Safe in the Home’ Project: Equipment still available!

HPD ButtonWith a number of child safety equipment still available, families in the Western Isles are encouraged to apply to the “Safe in the Home” project, the scheme which offers child safety equipment to be installed in the home to help prevent injury and accidents to children under five years.

The Scotland Home Safety Equipment Scheme (SHSES) is a pilot home safety equipment scheme which helps families on low incomes be able to access a range of child safety equipment.  These include safety gates, window restrictors, fire guards, kitchen cupboard locks, etc.

For further information, or to find out if your family is eligible, please contact TIG on 01851 706121, or email: catherine@tighean.co.uk or donnie@tighean.co.uk.  Alternatively please contact your family health visitor.

This project is funded by ROSPA and NHS Western Isles in conjunction with TIG, and is also supported by the Scottish Fire & Rescue Service, and the Western Isles Safetywise Committee.