Getting Back to Basics – Pointers Young Mums Group

Pointers Young Mums imageHealth Promotion has coordinated and delivered a number of programmes/sessions which focus on budgeting, healthy eating and actual cooking sessions with Pointers Young Mums Group.

Funding was awarded by Community Food and Health Scotland in 2011 and the project delivers a range of activities that address health inequalities as well as including access to healthy affordable food by encouraging the young people to develop their own lifeskills.  For further information please contact Tina Burgess, Senior Health Promotion Officer.

As stated in Healthy Eating, Active Living Action Plan, staff involved in both projects are committed in “ensuring that they create the best environment that promotes the health of mothers and their children. The projects deliver a range of activities that address health inequalities as well as including access to healthy affordable food by encouraging families to make use of the Health Start Scheme and Health Start Vitamin Drops.

Health Promotion in conjunction with Irene Morrison, Dietetics Assistant, Department of Nutrition & Dietetics Assistant are responsible for developing the cooking sessions with the ‘Young Mums Group’. Qualified Crèche workers also provide child care which leaves the mums time to enjoy the cooking sessions.

New emerging policies continue to broaden and strengthen the case for collaborative approaches to food and health activities. These include ‘Equally Well’, ‘The Early Years Framework’ and the local ‘Western Isles Maternal and Infant Nutrition Framework’, which all reflect this approach.  For further information please contact Tina Burgess, Senior Health Promotion Officer.