Dementia Growing Pilot

Fas Fallain imageThree organisations have been awarded Fas Fallain funding to explore the use of horticulture as a therapeutic activity in the treatment of dementia.

Dun Berisay, Dun Eisdean and Alzheimers Scotland  (Lewis & Harris branch) aim to use the funding to establish growing projects within their retrospective grounds, which will be used  as a base for therapeutic activity for dementia patients, as well as providing the homes with fresh local fruit and vegetables.

Fas Fallain will use this as a pilot project, which would explore the Preserved Implicit Memory model, which translates evidence from implicit memory research into pre-dementia care.  This model predicts that implicit memory can be used therapeutically in the treating of dementia and alzheimers. With the increase in dementia of 68% in the next 30 years and theIslandshaving an aging population it is necessary to address this issue and investigate alternative models of care.

It has been observed that some patients suffer from boredom when restricted to the inside of the care homes and very often these are patients who have come from a crofting background and used to working outdoors. They do not understand the restrictions put upon them and yearn to ‘go out to work ‘ on the land. With this project they will be become involved in the growing of produce for their kitchen and, more importantly, have a greater quality of life.

For further information please contact Mary MacLean, Fas Fallain Manager, tel. 01851 762017.