Alcohol & Drug Training for Managers: 22nd February

HWL logoThe Scottish Centre for Healthy Working Lives in partnership with Alcohol Focus Scotland and the Scottish Drugs Forum recently held a half-day training programme designed to give information and guidance to employers to help deal with workplace issues on both alcohol and drugs.

The sessions were aimed to enable employers and managers to create a greater awareness around alcohol and drugs in their workplace and provide them with the knowledge and skills to deal with issues as they arise. On completion of this course, participants will have:

  • Increased knowledge of the impact of alcohol and drugs on the workforce.
  • Increased knowledge of all forms of substances and their impact on the individual and workplace.
  • Increased awareness of the legal framework within which to implement workplace alcohol and drugs policies.
  • Increased awareness of development and implementation of alcohol and drugs policies.
  • Increased confidence in dealing with staff issues around alcohol and drugs.

The course took place in the H.M. Coastguard Meeting Room, Battery Point, Stornoway, from 1.30pm – 5.00pm, and was delivered by Alcohol Focus Scotland trainers and co-ordinated by the Healthy Working Lives team.

For further information contact Norma Macleod, Healthy Working Lives Advisor, tel. (01851) 702712.