Health Promoting Health Service (HPHS)

HPD ButtonThe CMO (2015) 19 letter was issued in October 2015 to replace CEL (01) 2012 Health Promoting Health Service.

This followed the framework of measures communicated through 2 Chief Executive Letters (2008 and 2012) which have brought forward significant change throughout Scotland and the Western Isles.

These included the achievement of Healthy Living and Healthy Working Lives Awards, introduction of Smoke-free grounds, increased referrals to smoking cessation support and the attainment of Baby Friendly accreditation.
The CMO letter includes additional performance measures to the previous CELs i.e. Mental health, MCNs and Inequalities and as a result of this a group has been created to take forward and contribute to the annual report which is to be submitted to NHS Health Scotland by 30th September 2016.

To support the work carried out through the CELs all NHS premises now have No Smoking signage and awareness sessions have taken place for staff, patients and members of the public and a weekly drop clinic is now held in the hospital. Breastfeeding peer supporters were implemented within the community and weight awareness drop in sessions are run for staff of a weekly basis.