Triple P Success

Health Promotion (Uists team) have hosted a number of sessions on Triple P, the 10 session parenting programme to help parents acquire new knowledge and skills.

The sessions provide an opportunity for parents to learn through observation, discussion, practice and feedback, and lessons learnt are practiced within sessions to demonstrate knowledge and understanding.

Parents receive constructive feedback and between sessions parents complete homework tasks to consolidate their learning. Triple P has been designed as an indicated family intervention strategy and is particularly useful for parents of pre-adolescent children with oppositional and disruptive behaviour problems.

One family who undertook the Triple P programme demonstrated successful results with their child’s behaviour dramatically improving and stated, “The house is much more peaceful now, we can all go out as a family.” The programme has also encouraged the parents to think more about their own reactions to the child’s behaviour.

For further information please contact Marion Matheson, Health Improvement Practitioner, Health Promotion Department, tel. 01870 602588 or email: