Scottish Cancer Prevention Network Healthy Staff Award for Walk 500 Miles (step count challenge)

NHS Western Isles’ Walk 500 Miles step count challenge has won the Healthy Staff Award at the Scottish Cancer Prevention Network (SCPN) #WeCanICan Conference in Edinburgh on 5th February 2018.

NHS Western Isles’ Health Promotion Department submitted a written brief on the step count challenge along with a 3 minute video showcasing the initiative.  The video was screened at the #WeCanICan conference and was voted the winning initiative by delegates.  SCPN was particularly delighted to recognise the work going on in one of the smaller NHS boards in Scotland.

SCPN is focused on moving evidence on cancer risk reduction into everyday life, practice and policy and the SCPN Healthy Staff Award aims to showcase initiatives from across the country that encourage NHS staff to adopt lifestyle behaviours which reduce cancer risk.

Walk 500 Miles took place across the Outer Hebrides between May and September 2017. Participants aged 18 years and over aimed to walk 500 miles and chose one of three awards aiming for either 7500, 10000, or 12500 steps per day.  The Florence (Flo) Telehealth text messaging system was used to log steps on a daily basis and an amazing 130,000 miles of steps were logged during the challenge.

The step count challenge was widely promoted throughout the NHS Western Isles workforce and attracted staff from many of our services. Sixty five members of staff undertook the challenge and encouraged their friends and family to join in as well.

The £500 cash prize attached to the Healthy Staff Award will be used by NHS Western Isles on a further initiative encouraging NHS staff to adopt lifestyle behaviours which reduce cancer risk.