Uists Weekly Health Walks

* Balivanich Walks – every Tuesday at 2pm.  Meet at Balivanich Community Clinic.

* Lochboisdale Walks – every Wednesday at 6.30pm.  Meet at Old Tourist Office.
All are welcome to come along and join us at the Uists weekly health walks!
A Health Walk is a short, social, local, low level led walk that can be adapted to suit the needs of the walkers.  Health Walks are free and can be anything from 10–60 minutes.
Why walking?  Walking is a simple way to increase your physical activity, it is good for all round health, can help to improve your mood and it’s free – you just need some comfy shoes!

For further information or to register contact:
Marion Matheson, Health Improvement Practitioner.  Tel: 01870 602588 / Email: marion.matheson1@nhs.net 
Karen Peteranna, Health Walks Coordinator.  Tel: 01851 762016 / Email: karen.peteranna@nhs.net