Partner organisations talk health and safety in the home with Happy-Ness

NHS Western Isles, the Scottish Fire & Rescue Service and Tighean Innse Gall joined the Happy-Ness over 60s group on Wednesday 16th May to discuss health and safety in the home. Approximately 18 people were in attendance to hear presentations from the organisations.

Karen Peteranna, Health Improvement Practitioner with NHS Western Isles, provided information on the importance of keeping physically active to reduce the risk of falls, the ‘Walk on Hebrides’ health walks project, Walk Leader training and Strength and Balance exercises.

Mark Maciver, Community Safety Advocate with Scottish Fire & Rescue Service, provided information on fire prevention, what to do to stay safe in the event of a home fire, as well as availability of free home fire safety visits and smoke alarms.

Donnie Macdonald, Tighean Innse Gall’s Home Safety Coordinator, informed the group on the services they can provide to support home safety including the Care and Repair Service which aims to assist older and disabled people to remain in their own home for longer. The service can identify safety issues and hazards within the home and undertake repair works e.g. access ramps, hand rails, etc.

The organisations thoroughly enjoyed the hospitality of the Happy-Ness group and look forward to supporting them in the future.

For further information contact Karen Peteranna, Health Improvement Practitioner, tel. 01851 762016 or email: