Promoting the benefits of physical activity at Age Scotland’s Lewis & Harris Networking Event

NHS Western Isles’ Health Promotion Department were delighted to accept an invitation to attend the Lewis & Harris Age Scotland Networking Event, held on Tuesday 22nd May at the Lewis Retirement Centre, Stornoway.

Karen Peteranna, Health Improvement Practitioner, discussed the UK physical activity guidelines for adult and older adults and the benefits of physical activity. Being physically active can have many benefits to your health, improve your sleep, help maintain a healthy weight, manage stress and can improve quality of life.

Walking was promoted with the group as a simple way to increase physical activity; most people can join in, there is no cost to taking part and you don’t need special equipment – just some comfy shoes!

Karen also shared information on the ‘Walk on Hebrides’ health walks project and planned developments with this project across the islands including the provision of Walk Leader training courses and the creation of new local health walks in communities across the Outer Hebrides.

A Health Walk is a free, short, social, local, low-level, led walk which can be anything from 10 minutes to 60 minutes long – depending on the ability of the group. A good way to end a Health Walk is with a cuppa and a blether!

If you would be interested in seeing a Health Walk created in your local area or if you would like information on Health Walks or Walk Leader training contact Karen Peteranna, tel. 01851 762016 or email:

You can view the UK physical activity guidelines for all ages here:…/public…/uk-physical-activity-guidelines