Have you viewed our flu information films yet?

Film 1: Think You Know Flu? – https://bit.ly/2PCC4Bk

Film 2: Flu Vaccination, have you had yours? – https://bit.ly/2yImX23

‘Be a Flu Fighter’ is the message of two new videos launched recently by NHS Western Isles aimed at encouraging island residents and Western Isles health staff to take up their free flu jab.

Entitled ‘Think You Know Flu?’ and ‘Flu Vaccination, have you had yours?’, the promotional films feature Western Isles health staff from across the island chain, as well as members of the public and representatives from the local Maritime & Coastguard Agency; Highlands and Islands Fire Brigade; the Scottish Ambulance Service; Hebridean Men’s Cancer Support Group, and pupils from the Stornoway Primary’s GM2 class.

‘Think You Know Flu?’ raises awareness of the importance around flu and its possible complications; while ‘Flu Vaccination, have you had yours?’ highlights the importance for those most at risk to receive their vaccination.

Both videos also explore common myths and facts surrounding the flu vaccine.

NHS Western Isles Director of Public Health, Dr Maggie Watts, said: “Flu can cause severe health complications and the best way to protect yourself and help prevent spread of the virus is to get vaccinated.

“It only take a few minutes and even if you were immunised against flu last winter it is important to receive the vaccine again, as the viruses change each season.”

Any strain of flu can be very dangerous for people who are more vulnerable to it, which is why groups eligible for flu vaccination are urged to get the free flu vaccine as soon as possible as the best available protection against this unpredictable virus.

The flu vaccine is available from October 1st for everyone aged 65 years and over, pregnant women, everyone with serious health conditions, and all health and social care workers.

It is also offered to all primary school children, as well as children aged 2-5 years who are not yet in primary school.

#NHSWI #beaflufighter