‘Yesterday’s Children’ striding to good health today

The ‘Clann an Là Dè’ (Yesterday’s Children) older people’s group from Shawbost were recently provided a presentation about opportunities for physical activity and the challenges to being physically active by Karen Peteranna, NHS Western Isles Health Improvement Practitioner.

Physical active can have many benefits to your health, improve your sleep, help maintain a healthy weight and manage stress. Walking is a simple way to increase activity – you can start off small and increase your pace and distance over time. Undertaking strength and balance exercises on at least 2 days per week can help older adults stay active and independent in everyday life and reduce the risk of falls.

Karen shared information on the ‘Walk on Hebrides’ walking projects plans including Walk Leader training on the westside of Lewis in the New Year and the creation of new local Health Walks. The group was supportive of these developments and expressed interest in travelling to Health Walks across the islands.

Karen said “It was really great to hear that one member of the group had an interested in becoming an active Walk Leader after undertaking the training a few years ago. I look forward to supporting them.”

Dan Morrison, Energy Services Director (also pictured) and Kirsty Macleod, Senior Fuel Poverty Officer from Tighean Innse Gall (TIG) also joined the group and provided information on their energy advisory service, insulation service, home safety and TIG Switch which helps people get the best tariff for their energy usage.

Thank you to Clann an Là Dè for the warm welcome and hospitality and if you would like more information on local Health Walks, strength and balance exercises or training please contact Karen Peteranna, NHS Western Isles Health Improvement Practitioner, tel. 01851 762016 or email: karen.peteranna@nhs.net

You can view the UK physical activity guidelines for all ages at: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/uk-physical-activity-guidelines

You can also view Paths for All’s Strength and Balance exercise programme at:

#NHSWesternIsles #PathsforAll #WalkonHebrides #HealthWalks#StrengthandBalance #JoinInGetActive

Pictured: Clann an Là Dè group, Dan Morrison (TIG Energy Services Director) and Karen Peteranna (NHSWI Health Improvement Practitioner).