Vitamin D animation: Everyone in the UK needs Vitamin D

A new animated short film has been launched to raise awareness of the importance of Vitamin D. Produced in a ‘whiteboard’ style, the animation provides viewers with an entertaining and informative story about Vitamin D; how it benefits our health and the ways in which we can obtain it.

The animation, developed by the Western Isles Maternal Infant and Nutrition (MIN) group, complements the three light-hearted and humorous Vitamin D films from 2016, which featured local children and adults from the Butt to Barra.  The animation can be viewed at:

Narrated by Dr Benjamin Jacobs, Consultant Paediatrician at the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital, the animation continues NHS Western Isles’ efforts in promoting supplementation of Vitamin D, particularly for mums-to-be, babies and children across the Western Isles, which is a priority of the MIN group.

Low Vitamin D levels are recognised as a particular issue for all pregnant and breastfeeding women, and infants and children under 5 years. Pregnant women must also ensure that not only their own requirement for Vitamin D is met, but that they also build up adequate stores in the developing foetus for early infancy. Lower levels can also be more common in adults aged 65 years and over, black/other darker-skinned minority ethnic or mixed race groups, and those with limited exposure to sunlight.

Dr. Jacobs said “Vitamin D is recognised as being essential for healthy bones, anyone who lacks it is at risk of health problems.”

Colin Gilmour, Chair of the NHS MIN group, added, “With Vitamin D known to be important for good overall health, as well as for the development of strong, healthy muscles and bones (specifically Vitamin D3 which increases the body’s ability to absorb calcium), it is advised that people in the Outer Hebrides maintain Vitamin D levels by taking supplements.”