New Alcohol & Drugs Strategy and Alcohol Framework launched by Scottish Government

Scottish Government’s Alcohol and Drugs Strategy ‘Rights, Respect and Recovery: Scotland’s strategy to improve health by preventing and reducing alcohol and drug use, harm and related deaths’ and ‘Alcohol Framework 2018: Preventing Harm: next steps on changing our relationship with alcohol’.

One focus of the strategy is that everyone has the right to health and to live free from the harms of alcohol and drugs and each and every one of us has the right to be treated with respect and dignity and for their individual recovery journey to be fully supported. This strategy advises how we can support people with alcohol and drug issues and ensure we are delivering the best preventative methods and treatment, support and care for individuals, their families and communities. Continue reading

Training: Bowel Health & Screening: Supporting people with learning disabilities

Thursday 7th February 2019, 10.30am-3.30pm in St. Columba’s Hall, Stornoway

Bowel Cancer UK are offering free training for carers and health professionals who work supporting people with learning disabilities. This training is open to anyone working in the Western Isles.

During the interactive sessions you will learn about the symptoms, the risks and the screening test available. The training will help you to be more confident in supporting people to better bowel health.

To find out more you can contact Claire Finlayson on 0131 281 7351 or email or to book a place visit:

‘Tis the season to be jolly’ ….. but not for everyone

Parties, nights in, nights out, catching up with family and friends – Christmas and New Year are difficult times of the year for those trying to avoid alcohol as it tends to be available everywhere.

Whether it’s the works night out or even being at home, this can be a busy social and sometimes stressful season for some.

The majority of people drink alcohol to enjoy themselves. When someone starts drinking; he or she feels relaxed, confident, happy and sociable. The pleasurable effects of alcohol in moderation are undeniable.

However, many people drink alcohol to alleviate feelings of stress, but did you know that aside from the physical harm, too much alcohol is actually more likely to make your stress levels worse and lead to feelings of anxiety and depression, rather than relieving them? Continue reading

‘Yesterday’s Children’ striding to good health today

The ‘Clann an Là Dè’ (Yesterday’s Children) older people’s group from Shawbost were recently provided a presentation about opportunities for physical activity and the challenges to being physically active by Karen Peteranna, NHS Western Isles Health Improvement Practitioner.

Physical active can have many benefits to your health, improve your sleep, help maintain a healthy weight and manage stress. Walking is a simple way to increase activity – you can start off small and increase your pace and distance over time. Undertaking strength and balance exercises on at least 2 days per week can help older adults stay active and independent in everyday life and reduce the risk of falls.

Karen shared information on the ‘Walk on Hebrides’ walking projects plans including Walk Leader training on the westside of Lewis in the New Year and the creation of new local Health Walks. The group was supportive of these developments and expressed interest in travelling to Health Walks across the islands.

Karen said “It was really great to hear that one member of the group had an interested in becoming an active Walk Leader after undertaking the training a few years ago. I look forward to supporting them.” Continue reading

Drug & Alcohol Awareness Training (Uists)

A ‘Drug & Alcohol Awareness’ one day course was organised by OHADP and delivered by Scottish Drugs Forum in Uist on 5th December.

The session explored why people use different drugs, the effects of these drugs, and exploring attitudes and values around substance misuse.

Successful Funding Bid for Cearns Community

It has just been announced that the Cearns community has been awarded a total of £53,136 through the Aspiring Communities, which will cover the cost of a Development Worker for the area for a period of 15 months.

This funding also includes a sum for development work and the role of the Development Worker will be to establish groups in the community based on its feedback and to carry out a needs assessment, which will identify any gaps in service.

The intention is to maximise Tigh Ceilidh use and host a number of outreach surgeries run by ‘Quit Your Way’ smoking cessation service, HHP, TIG etc.

The Development Worker will, with the support of Mary Maclean, NHSWI Fas Fallain Manager, and Sharon Reid, CnES Community Learning and Development, facilitate a number of events throughout their period of employment, including training and educational opportunities.

For further information please contact Mary Maclean, Fas Fallain Manager, tel. 01851 762014 or email:

National Human Rights Gathering for Young People

Scotland’s Children Commissioner, Bruce Adamson, and his team hosted the 2nd national human rights gathering for young people in Inverness last weekend.

Attending to represent the Western Isles were, Maria McGoldrick and Andrew Muncaster , pupils from Sgoil Lionicleit, and Isabel Steele from NHS Western Isles. They were invited to join with young people, leaders and advisors from across Scotland to identify gaps and solutions for young people accessing their rights. Isabel said “it was a privilege to attend and support our young people to participate in this national initiative. They have been able to share their views and ideas about how we can promote and protect the rights of children and young people in Scotland and this work will now help shape the future work of the Commissioner’s office. I am very proud of Andrew and Maria in how hard they worked and represented the Islands. They are definitely Human Rights Defenders, and now looking forward to taking all they learnt forward within their school community and beyond”.

Pictured here are Bruce Adamson, Scotland’s Commissioner for Children and Young People, Maria McGoldrick, Sgoil Lionicleit, Maree Todd, Minister for Children and Young People, Andrew Muncaster, Sgoil Lionicleit and Isabel Steele, NHS Western Isles.


Drug & Alcohol Awareness session – Stornoway Street Pastors

The Outer Hebrides Alcohol & Drug Partnership (OHADP) support team delivered a Drug & Alcohol Awareness session to newly appointed Stornoway street pastors on 20th November.

The session looked at different strengths and types of alcohol; the safe limits/units recommended for men and women; short-term effects and consequences of alcohol on the body as well as drug categories and their effects.

Lewis and Harris Horticultural Producers Funding








Funding was supplied this year to the Lewis and Harris Horticultural Producers (LHHP) to provide a training venue for groups, in the building located on the site of their horticultural project.

The intention is for the project to accommodate and support 50 people throughout the year who are in recovery from alcohol and substance abuse or suffer from mental health issues.

Participants will be encouraged to use the horticultural project as a ‘green gym’ , thus promoting physical exercise and the building facility will be used by the ‘Move More’ project and Health Promotion staff to deliver training.

LHHP was formed in 2001 and became co-ordinators of the allotments behind the Lews Castle College in 2014, with grant support from Comhairle nan Eilean Siar.

The uptake for this year alone has increased by 50%, with more and more people showing an interest. LHHP is dependent on volunteer labour and the initiative attempts to be as ‘green’ and off grid as possible.  Continue reading

Mentally Healthy Workplace Training

Back School on the Isle of Lewis is the latest workplace to provide training to their staff on mental health issues. A total of 14 staff attended the Mentally Healthy Workplace training held by the Health Promotion Department during October and November.

Mentally Healthy Workplace training is available to staff working within any workplace throughout the Outer Hebrides and during 2018, 64 managers have attended the Managers Course and over 100 staff have attended the Mental Health Awareness sessions which compliment the training.

Following the course participants should be able to identify the key factors that contribute to a mentally healthy workplace, have a broad understanding of mental health in the workplace and be aware of their responsibilities in relation to health and wellbeing by improving their skills and confidence to deal with mental health in the workplace.

If you are interested in either a training or awareness session within your workplace contact Norma Macleod, Healthy Working Lives Advisor, NHS Western Isles, tel. 01851 762013 or email:​

Happy Ness!








Spors Nis was the venue for a very happy encounter with the senior citizen’s group in Ness recently.

This vibrant group requested a healthy eating input from Health Promotion at their monthly get together.  One of the cakes was fruit based….strawberry gateaux(!) and the tea was served in ‘proper’ china, which definitely made everything taste that much better.

The group were provided a quiz, which covered all aspects of healthy eating and their responses generated further conversation on issues relating to the adoption of a healthier diet.

Unlike their presenter they expressed their liking for mackerel, which they were told was an excellent source of omega 3 if eaten once or twice a week.  Overall the knowledge of this hospitable group would put many to shame and their enthusiasm lends to further inputs covering a spectrum of topics.

For further information please contact Mary Maclean, Fas Fallain Manager, tel. 01851 762014 or email:

Opportunities for All Partnership Event

The Outer Hebrides Alcohol & Drug Partnership (OHADP) support team delivered three workshops at the Opportunities for All Partnership annual networking event held in the Cabarfeidh Hotel on 15th November.

Those attending were informed about the strategic and operational work of the OHADP; funded and core services and were presented with local & national statistics.  Pictured are Angela Grant, OHADP Development Officer (left) and Fiona Hall, Public Health Substance Misuse Information and Research Officer.

Alcohol Brief Interventions input

Outer Hebrides Alcohol & Drug Partnership ADP staff delivered Alcohol Brief Interventions training to Accident & Emergency department staff in Stornoway on 12th & 15th November

The training explored impacts of alcohol; evidence around ABIs; raising the issue of alcohol; stages of an ABI and how these are delivered and reported.    Pictured are the staff who attended the 12th November session.

OHCPP Locality Work

The Outer Hebrides Community Planning Partnership (OHCPP) have, through the use of community profiling tools, identified two localities, which will be the subject of focused planning in a bid to place localities at the heart of the planning process.

One of these is Stornoway West, which includes the Cearns community and in the short-term Mary Maclean, NHSWI Fas Fallain Manager, and Sharon Reid, CnES Community Learning and Development, will be supporting the community with their intention to establish groups in the area and improve access to services.

By placing localities at the heart of the planning process, new ways of working can be developed focusing  less on  public sector involvement and more on taking a collective approach to achieving stronger communities. This will contribute to the fulfilment of the wider ambitions of the Outer Hebrides Local Outcomes Improvement Plan.

For further information please contact Mary Maclean, Fas Fallain Manager, tel.  01851 762014 or email

Training: Listening and responding to children affected by parental substance use (free 2 day course): 2 venues


  • 28th & 29th November 2018 (Stornoway)
  • 6th & 7th December 2018 (Uists)


  • 09.30-16.30 in The Dark Island Hotel, Liniclate
  • 09.30-16.30 in the Meeting Room, Stornoway Fire Station

Overview: The aim of this 2 day course is to support practitioners to listen and respond effectively and appropriately to children affected by parental substance use. Continue reading

Training: Drugs Awareness

Dates: 5th December 2018
Time/Venue: 09.30-16.30 in The Dark Island Hotel, Liniclate

Overview: Using a range of exercises, delegates are encouraged to consider why people use different drugs, the effects of these drugs, both on their own and in combination, as well as having the opportunity to explore attitudes and values around substance misuse. Continue reading

Drug & Alcohol Awareness Training for Lewis & Harris

Pictured are the services who attended a one day Drug & Alcohol Awareness course, organised by Outer Hebrides Alcohol & Drug Partnership and delivered by Scottish Drugs Forum in Stornoway on 8th November.  The session explored why people use different drugs, the effects of these drugs, and exploring attitudes and values around substance misuse.

Uists Health Walks

Health Promotion staff (Uist team) continue to host a ‘Health Walk’ from Balivanich Clinic every Tuesday from 2pm–3pm.

The walks have been organised to help people to feel fitter and feel better about themselves, have more energy, reduce stress, reduce blood pressure, manage their weight, reduce isolaiton and have fun. The Health Walks are available to all, regardless of their fitness levels.

Regular exercise has been shown to lead to longer and healthier lives e.g. reducing the risk of heart disease by half, lower the risk of strokes, reducing the risk of certain cancers (breast, colon), reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes, as well as improving mood and reducing the risk of depression.

For further information please contact Marion Matheson, Health Improvement Practitioner, Health Promotion Department, tel. 01870 602588 or email: